The Baboon Show quiere compartir con todos vosotros una importante noticia en lo que respecta a su actual formación. Y es que Håkan, miembro fundador y guitarrista de la banda, ha decidido apartarse de los directos de la banda para continuar su carrera profesional como guitarrista de su otra formación, Mondo Diao, ya que le es imposible estar girando con dos bandas en pleno rendimiento. Pero no todo son malas noticias, y es que The Baboon Show también nos presentan a su nuevo miembro, Simon, con quien llevan ensayando una temporada y donde la química no ha tardado en surgir!
En palabras de la propia banda y de Håkan:
"We are writing to tell you there will be some changes within the baboon family. Håkan will no longer play live with The Baboon Show. This was not an easy decision for Håkan to make, but it’s impossible to tour with two bands.
In Håkan’s own words:
Dear fans and followers of The Baboon Show.
As some of you already know, I am a member of two bands, The Baboon Show and Mando Diao. It will be impossible for me to tour with both bands and I’ve decided to prioritize Mando Diao from this summer on.
There are no bad feelings in the band. We still love each other, like the family we are. I will keep writing songs and recording music with my Baboons and from time to time I will also show up to do some shows.
Simon Dahlberg, a fantastic guy and guitarplayer will handle the guitars on stage from now on. Please give him a warm welcome!
I wish you all a great summer and I will miss my Baboon family and all of you lovely fans!