Lamentamos comunicar que la gira de Asking Alexandria que iba a pasar en noviembre por España ha sido cancelada debido a la situación actual y ante la imposibilidad de encontrar una fecha el año que viene. Las entradas serán reembolsadas automáticamente.
Este es el comunicado de la banda al respecto:
"After months of talking and paying close attention to the development of covid 19 around the globe we have decided it is in everyone’s best interest that we do not move forward with the UK/Europe tour dates. The health of our fans, crew members, family members and everyone else involved has to come first so we don’t feel comfortable continuing on with the tour as planned. We are so sorry to disappoint our fans but we will be back. We miss you all, we hope you are all staying safe and healthy and we cannot wait to be back in the same room as you all, singing at the top of our lungs together! You will be contacted directly about refunds, if you have any questions please contact wherever you bought the tickets."
Gracias por vuestro apoyo. Un saludo.